Portfolio of Work

I’m a multidisciplinary practitioner with over 15 years of experience in media, technology, and design. I care deeply about people, systems, and strategy – I take deliberate consideration of the three with everything I am involved with. Please consider me on your next project or build. 

Media - Technology - Design


Web Projects
0 +

I’ve helped numerous universities, business owners, and nonprofits with a wide range of web projects. From simple wordpress projects, to massive database LMS projects. 

Strategies Implemented
0 +

Over the years, I’ve met with businesses that had circumstances or markets that required unique strategies, or even special initiatives. I love game theory, human behavior, and all the nuances of business- I leverage them to build winning strategies. 

In Additional Cash Flow Added
$ 0 MM

Since 2009, I have helped business owners of all sizes and background add more cashflow and profits to their business.

Of Assets Created
0 's

With many projects it requires custom design or development for various project needs. I have designed and/or developed assets for audio, video, static, products, and systems. 

Projects & Case Studies ↓